New Hampshire Metro Map

New Hampshire Demographic Characteristics

Age distribution provides a possible insight into the economic contribution that a particular ethnic group is likely to make. This is because a younger population is directly related to the costs of education and the contributions of participating in the labor force. Compared to non-Latino groups, Latinos had higher proportions of their population under the age of 18. This suggests that in the near term, Latinos are likely to impose relatively higher fiscal costs, but in the medium and longer term they are likely to begin working, paying taxes, and supporting retiring non-Latino populations in New Hampshire.

In contrast, significantly lower percentages of the Latino population were composed of elderly people. This was partly due to their recent arrival to the state. All Latino groups had elderly populations lower than non-Latino whites and other minority groups in the state. Puerto Ricans had the highest elderly percentage, at only 2.2 percent.

Because Latinos have developed a growing population base in the state, both the number of females and Latinos’ overall marriage rates are two factors that influence their non-migratory population growth. In 2000 Latinos and non-Latino whites had similar percentages of females. The marriage rates for Latinos ages 16 and older showed some dissimilarity. Dominicans, Colombians, and Cubans had marriage rates higher than non-Latino whites. However, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans had lower marriage rates that were similar to non-Latino blacks.

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