How does a comedian know he’s doing his job, and that he hasn’t slowed down mentally as his body decays? Well, for Barry Humphries it would be opening the …
MATARANKA One stop along the Stuart that is always a certainty for us is marvellous Mataranka. There is always time to stop in for a cool dip at Mataranka! …
Tall Ships: Real tall-masted sailing ships how cool is that? Unusual Itineraries: Because of their size, these ships can get into small ports, and the line takes advantage of …
The entrance to the former South African Reserve Bank is meticulously preserved and in use today as the hotel’s front door. Thee can’t be many sites in the centre …
There are places that are less well known, other than to those who use them. The Lodge de Goede Hoop is one, Herbert Baker’s Welgelegen is another. Here hang …
The 1909 Cape of Good Hope Official Handbook, by town clerk Finch, describes the City Hall in Cape Town as being in the Italian Renaissance style. Hans Fransen, in …
The stairs lead to the galleries, one on either side of the gigantic interior space above the main doors, and added as the congregation expanded. Originally, the less-elevated sat …
Portrait of HRH Prince Alfred, Queen Victoria’s favourite son, presented to the library on its opening in 1861 and signed by the artist, Frederick Say (b.1804). During his working …
The interior is dominated at one end by a pulpit (1824) and a gallery, made of yellowwood and stinkwood, that runs around the back and the two long sides. …
The organ has always been a feature of the NGK Tafelberg. It was installed in 1892, and has 1164 pipes and a walnut case. The innards have subsequently been …