Pearl Spring Zhenzhu Quan

Mention should be made of the Pearl Spring to the south of the temple.

Lunan Stone The Stone Forest lies 120km/75 miles south-east of Kunming in the district

Forest (Shilin) 0f Lunan. After the sea receded millions of years ago, tectonic movements caused deep fissures to occur in the rock, which was then further shaped by erosion processes.

The forest consists of thousands of narrow, weirdly-shaped rocks towering up to a height of between 5 and 30 metres (15-100ft), scattered over an area of over 26,000ha/1 OOsq. miles. 80ha/200 acres of this area are open to visitors.

The rocks have memorable names such as Ten Thousand Year Mushroom (10m/33ft high), Mother and Son, Camel Riding on Elephant, Avaloki-tesvara Rock, Buddha Stone, Rhinoceros Looking at the Moon and Beautiful Maiden Ascending from the Water.

The Stone Forest is accessible by means of carefully laid-out paths and can be divided into three sections: the Lesser Stone Forest (Xiao Shilin), which is to be found just beyond the north entrance, a little to the south of Shilin Lake (Shilin Hu); the Greater Stone Forest (Da Shilin), to the south of the Lesser Stone Forest, with Jianfeng Pool and numerous grottoes; and the Outer Stone Forest (Wai Shilin) which takes in the surrounding area.

Torch Festival In the middle ofthe Lesser Stone Forestthere is a 2ha/5 acre meadow which on the 24th day of the 6th moon month is the scene of the Torch Festival, mounted by the Sani minority group. It lasts 24 hours and during the day

Pearl Spring Zhenzhu Quan Photo Gallery

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