Amazon River Cruise

The Amazon River Basin is a wild place exploding with an abundance of life, and often only accessible by water it is the road less traveled which we love see much wildlife hopefully some of the people the mass the size of the river the lushness, and the amount of water that they have here is just amazing adventure about the event room traveling into Peru’s rainforest on the Amazon River. How Mike you feel the pulse of this adventurous, and wild river the ship is called arapaima the bow has cabins with air conditioning private bathrooms, and it gets asked where you wanna be some of the mushrooms then we’ll need the help of the Beatles or all the insects what happens is they do learn they attract them oh we’re gonna go through this canal to go to a lake where are we gonna start our fishing or piranhas.

Amazon River Cruise Photo Gallery

And This is gonna be a very good challenge for the driver to go all the way through there the pacaya-samiria National Reserve is Peru’s largest national park exploring its three rivers its numerous lakes gorgeous canals, and expose all accessed best by boat my question is when you catch one what do you do with it when you catch one you thought about okay good we are fishing for piranha in the Amazon River tributary we’re a miner almost piranhas are a staple food in the local diet their teeth are used by the indigenous population to make tools, and weapons the most powerful is the low jaws at the lower jaw right that press against the opportune time right one bite, and kaput look it is cheap yeah he’s serious guy these birds called husky case built long hanging bag shaped nests some birds choose a tree that contains an active wasp nest as an ally a defender in an extra deterrent to predators none of the most social birds that we have in the rain forest, and the reason why is not is. Because they can’t choose a tree, and share with other species but in the same family, it’s beautiful. We’ve seen.

So far the dolphin this morning. I saw my first River Dolphin, and sloppy, and birds, and macaws, it’s very n monkeys iguanas full lips we saw anaconda that’s one of the highlights you know, and the remarkable part of the trip probably. Because we know she anacondas everyday you know.

So we saw an anaconda it was right here you know in the warehouse of the of the arrangers experience also the means of transportation of the people which is the dagger very easy very nice cool don’t do this every day out with the bird we have a full day activity you know in the village which is called a in the life visiting the shaman visiting you know the village itself interacting with the families, and also having any direction with the children as well the kids are. So great and I think that we all enjoy it as much as they do the adventures without the adventure forgetteth cruising the Amazon, and its tributaries what adventures await you in this wild, and unspoiled place Oh.

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