Cape Town Map

A Memorial concerning the Fur Trade of the province of New Cape Town Map -York. Presented to his Excellency William Burnet, Esq. Captain-General and Governor, Cape Town Map &c. by Cadwallader Colden, Surveyor-General of the said province, the 10th of December, 1724.

It has of late been generally believed, that the inhabitants of the province of New-York are so advantageously situated, with respect to the Indian trade, and enjoy so many advantages as to trade in general, that it is in their power not only to rival the French of Canada, who have almost entirely engrossed the Fur Trade of Country, but that it is impossible for the French to carry on that trade in competition with the people of this province.

The inquiring into the truth of this proposition, may not only be of some consequence, as to the riches and honour of the British nation for it is well known how valuable the fur trade of Country is but likewise as to the safety of all the British colonies in North Country.

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