Explore Dongtundu, China with this Interactive Map

Map of Dongtundu China

I. Introduction

II. Location of Dongtundu

III. History of Dongtundu

IV. Population of Dongtundu

V. Economy of Dongtundu

VI. Culture of Dongtundu

VII. Government of Dongtundu

VIII. Transportation in Dongtundu

IX. Education in Dongtundu

X. Tourist attractions in Dongtundu


* map of dongtundu china

* dongtundu china map

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Keyword Answer
Map of Dongtundu China A map of Dongtundu, China can be found here.
Dongtundu China Map Dongtundu, China is located in the northeastern part of the country. It is bordered by the provinces of Liaoning to the north, Jilin to the east, and Heilongjiang to the west.
Dongtundu Dongtundu is a city in the northeastern part of China. It is the capital of the Liaoning province. The city has a population of over 7 million people.
China Map A map of China can be found here.
Map Features The map of Dongtundu, China features the city’s location, major roads, and landmarks. It also shows the surrounding provinces and cities.

Map of Dongtundu China

II. Location of Dongtundu

Dongtundu is located in the northeastern part of China, in the Jilin Province. It is bordered by the city of Changchun to the south, the city of Jilin to the west, and the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture to the north. The city has a population of over 1 million people and is an important industrial center.

III. History of Dongtundu

Dongtundu has a long and rich history. The earliest human activity in the area dates back to the Neolithic period. During the Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BC), Dongtundu was part of the Yan state. In the Zhou dynasty (1046-256 BC), Dongtundu was part of the Qi state. During the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC), Dongtundu was the site of the Battle of Yanling, which was a major conflict between the Qi and Yan states. In the Warring States period (475-221 BC), Dongtundu was part of the Zhao state. In the Qin dynasty (221-206 BC), Dongtundu was part of the Qin empire. In the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Han empire. In the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Wei state. In the Jin dynasty (265-420 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Jin empire. In the Southern and Northern dynasties period (420-589 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Northern Wei dynasty. In the Sui dynasty (581-618 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Sui empire. In the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Tang empire. In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (907-960 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Later Liang dynasty. In the Song dynasty (960-1279 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Song empire. In the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Yuan empire. In the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Ming empire. In the Qing dynasty (1644-1912 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Qing empire. In the Republic of China (1912-1949 AD), Dongtundu was part of the Republic of China. In the People’s Republic of China (1949-present), Dongtundu has been part of the Liaoning province.

Map of Dongtundu China

II. Location of Dongtundu

Dongtundu is located in the northeastern part of China, in the Heilongjiang Province. It is bordered by the city of Harbin to the south, the city of Jilin to the west, and the Russian Federation to the north. The city is situated on the Songhua River, and has a population of over 1 million people.

V. Economy of Dongtundu

The economy of Dongtundu is based on agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and mining. The main crops grown in Dongtundu include rice, corn, wheat, soybeans, and peanuts. The city is also home to a number of large-scale mining operations, including coal mines, iron mines, and gold mines. The Dongtundu Economic Development Zone is a major industrial area in the city, which is home to a number of factories and other businesses.

6. Map of Dongtundu China

Dongtundu is located in the northeastern part of China, in the Jilin province. It is bordered by the cities of Changchun to the south and Siping to the west. The city is situated on the banks of the Songhua River, and is home to a number of important industrial and agricultural facilities.

The following map shows the location of Dongtundu in China:

Map of Dongtundu China

VII. Transportation in Dongtundu

Dongtundu is well-connected to the rest of China by road, rail, and air. The city has a number of bus stations and train stations, and it is also served by an international airport.

The main bus station in Dongtundu is located in the city center. It offers services to a variety of destinations within China, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. The train station is also located in the city center, and it offers services to a wider range of destinations, including Hong Kong, Macau, and South Korea.

The Dongtundu International Airport is located about 20 kilometers from the city center. It offers flights to a number of destinations in China, as well as to Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore.

Dongtundu is also well-connected to the surrounding area by road. The city is located on the G20 Expressway, which connects it to Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. There are also a number of other highways that connect Dongtundu to other cities in Liaoning Province.

The city’s public transportation system is extensive and efficient. There are a number of bus routes that serve the city center and the surrounding suburbs. There are also a number of taxis and ride-hailing services available.

Transportation in Dongtundu

Dongtundu is well-connected to the rest of China by road, rail, and air. The city has a number of bus stations, which provide services to all major cities in China. Dongtundu is also served by a number of train stations, including Dongtundu Railway Station and Dongtundu North Railway Station. The city has two airports, Dongtundu Airport and Dongtundu West Airport.

IX. Education in Dongtundu

Dongtundu has a number of schools, including primary schools, middle schools, and high schools. The city also has a number of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the schools in Dongtundu:

* Dongtundu No. 1 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 2 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 3 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 4 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 5 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 6 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 7 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 8 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 9 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 10 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 11 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 12 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 13 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 14 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 15 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 16 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 17 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 18 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 19 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 20 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 21 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 22 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 23 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 24 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 25 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 26 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 27 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 28 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 29 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 30 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 31 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 32 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 33 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 34 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 35 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 36 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 37 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 38 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 39 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 40 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 41 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 42 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 43 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 44 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 45 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 46 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 47 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 48 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 49 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 50 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 51 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 52 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 53 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 54 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 55 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 56 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 57 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 58 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 59 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 60 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 61 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 62 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 63 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 64 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 65 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 66 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 67 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 68 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 69 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 70 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 71 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 72 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 73 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 74 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 75 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 76 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 77 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 78 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 79 Primary School
* Dongtundu No. 80 Primary School
* Dongtundu No.


  1. Introduction
  2. Location of Dongtundu
  3. History of Dongtundu
  4. Population of Dongtundu
  5. Economy of Dongtundu
  6. Culture of Dongtundu
  7. Government of Dongtundu
  8. Transportation in Dongtundu
  9. Education in Dongtundu
  10. Tourist attractions in Dongtundu


* What is the map of Dongtundu China?
* Where is Dongtundu located in China?
* What is the history of Dongtundu?

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