Farragut, David G. (1801-1870). Union admiral of Spanish ancestry who led the USS Hartford past the Chalmette batteries and took the port city of New Orleans by securing control of the Mississippi River and effectively capturing the state for the Union.
Velazquez, Loreta Janeta (c. 1842-c. 1898). Cuban-born woman and Confederate Army soldier who was decommissioned in New Orleans after it was established the she was masquerading as a man.
Lazaro, Ladislas (1872-1927). The first Latino to serve in the United States House of Representatives, from 1908 until 1912. He attended Holy Cross College in New Orleans and later graduated from Louisville Medical College in Kentucky before practicing in Louisiana.
Perez Sr., Leander Henry (1891-1969). Democratic political boss of Plaquemines and St. Bernard parishes in the first half of the twentieth century. Officially, Perez served as district judge, as district attorney, and as president of the Plaquemines Parish Commission Council.
Gomez, Eusebio Juan (c. 1895-c. 1860). The editor of the eminent New Orleans newspaper La Patria. He served as a field interpreter for General Winfield Scott during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).
Fernandez, Joachim Octave (1896-1978). Democratic representative from Louisiana to the United States House of Representatives.
Perez, Irvan (1923-2008). Famous Isleho singer of poetic compositions known as decimas. Perez was featured in the PBS series River of Song: A Musical Journey (1999).
Herrera, Victor (c. 1926-c. 1985). Latino community health advocate and founder of the Asociacion Hondurena de Nueva Orleans, in 1959.
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