Map of Puerto Rico

Puerto Ricans are very sociable and affectionate. Kissing the check as greeting especially among
females is common and customary. Puerto Ricans are passionate when it comes to island politics and
it is best to stay away from this topic to prevent triggering arguments. Dress up like the locals if
you’re going with them to prevent getting attention to yourself. In most cases, adults don’t wear shorts
in the public. Wearing shorts when not at the beach or gym will mostly automatically identify you as a
tourist. Your safest clothing option when venturing out, especially at night are plain colored tops and
jeans. Catcalling is common in Puerto Rico and women are advised to just ignore them.
Thinking of Puerto Rico automatically conjures tropical images of the beach, the Caribbean Sea and
pi±a coladas. Traveling Puerto Rico is always a pleasant experience for many tourists. The locals
and friendly and sociable, the views are outstanding and majestic while the experience of Puerto
Rico’s mixed heritage is like no other. Puerto Rico is all these and more and tourists just find
themselves coming back to Puerto Rico for more reasons.

Map of Puerto Rico Photo Gallery

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