Paraguay Map Tourist Attractions

Reserva Faumstico Atinguy

This one hundred hectare park was created to house a representative group of animals displaced by the flooding of Isla Yacyreta. The location was chosen to approximate the animals’ original habitat on the Isla Yacyreta. To the left of the main entrance is a wooded area with a walking path to a zoo with cages housing several large felines, anteaters, ducks, pavo del monte, macaws and caimans. While following the winding path make sure to look up in the trees to spot monkeys and plenty of birds. Unfortunately the larger animals are confined to excessively (and unnecessarily, it would seem) small cages.

The cleared section to the left of the park’s main entrance house the animal reproduction area where park experts oversee the breeding in captivity of four endangered species: the ciervo de los pantanos (marsh deer), the pavo del monte or mytu (bare-faced curassow), the nandu guazu (greater rhea), and the aguara guazu (maned wolf).

Tel: 0981 413 614 (Dr. Evelio Narvaes, head biologist), Atinguy is only accessible by private vehicle. The turn off for Atinguy is right at the entrance to Ayolas – if coming from Asuncion you will have to make a hairpin turn to the left onto the dirt and gravel road and then continue approximately 10 kilometers. 8am-4:30pm Sidebar: Atinguy is one of the only places in the world where the maned wolf (known as the aguara guazu) has been successfully bred in captivity.

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