Relaxing in the Blue City of Jodhpur Rajasthan India

Essential Stepwell Café A stepwell, look at that I’ve be walking around this and have’nt even seen it. Thesw stepwells are amazing and there’s somebody down there cleaning it. Hey guys, how are you doing? “Hi”, Let’s go and see what the café has to offer.

If it’s open,. Found a door. Oh looking good here, looking good.

Now downstairs is air con, but you can’t see anything and you know what I’m like, I want to go up here and see the view. That was a lovely find, a place called Café Stepwell but the stepwell has been restored, I didn’t even know it was there.

Relaxing in the Blue City of Jodhpur Rajasthan India Photo Gallery

I’ve walked past it a couple of times, an there it was, beautiful, peaceful stepwell right in the middle of the Old Town in Jodhpur. The views of the castle above it, oh really beautiful, the water still doesn’t look that drinkable unless you’re really thirsty, I mean really thirsty but it was nice, so, good escape from the lunchtime heat. There are air cons downstairs but a beautiful veranda view from the upstairs, so although it’s a bit hotter, I sat out with a beautiful view rather than sitting in the aircon, perfect way to while away the heat of the day.

And that’s one of the things about Jodhpur; you can easily while away several days here, just soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the place. Once you’re based in the centre you can wander around, you don’t need to get rickshaw rides everywhere; there is something down all the little streets. There’s somewhere to eat, there’s people to speak to, and little cafés and restaurants tucked in small corners, fantastic buildings, the Clock Tower of course in the town centre.

The bazaar that runs all day but comes to life particularly at night and I don’t know what happened to the days, in the mornings I’d go out early and walk down the quiet streets, there’d be a few people wandering around reasonably fresh and cool, I just, look there was something, you know, like these paintings on the wall, I’ve no idea what they are there for, but just randomly as you wander around, you find all these nice little treasures. Then you stop for the afternoon, I found the stepwell entirely by accident, stopped there for a drink and a meal, which was really nice. My first time to have this, which was chicken biryani I believe, very tasty with a very sauce, I thought “what’s this sauce? Is it going to be spicy? it was actually yoghurt so it wasn’t spicy at all but made for a really delicious meal, yes that’s the non-spicy yoghurt and that’s the delicious chicken biryani, very nice.

And yes, I really don’t know what happened to all my time in Jodhpur, I spent it ambling around, it was very relaxing, it’s a little less hectic than some of the other cities I’ve been to and I think I was enjoying that, just soaking in the atmosphere. People were very pleasant and I’d wander around the Blue City, after I’ve been to see the fort and gone to see the Palace. Just staying in the central area and ambling around and of course, you know, if you want to go shopping there’s jewellery, cloths, sari’s yea the typical souvenirs, if you want to buy an elephants head, there you go although I’m not sure that will fit in my backpack uhhmm it was, it was just lovely, beautiful colours are on the markets, so many sari’s of colours.

Couldn’t find one that really suited my legs so I skipped on the sari despite their best attempts to try but yes the days flew by and every evening I found a nice location to enjoy a beautiful sunset with the castle sitting in the background. I mean It’s just, the backdrop of the city is fantastic, it’s you know, you just had to find a rooftop restaurant and enjoy it. This camera isn’t the greatest at seeing in low light but I’ll try and give you an idea.

Just wandered around after taking a night time-lapse, and found on a rooftop, this really gorgeous looking restaurant; the only thing that’s worrying is it’s absolutely deserted. I’m a little bit early {what’s the time now}, six thirty, seven [:/:]? let’s go and see if there’s any life here or more importantly any food here. Oh there’s people, look at that, it’s really beautiful and there’s even a person working here, oh lovely.

Good evening. looks like some tables up here, more people oh wow; this is a treasure worth writing about. look at that for a view.

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