The Marketplace Cafe US Map & Phone & Address

300 Faneuil Hall, Boston; (617) 227-9660

Now, here’s a deal! In the North Building at Quincy Market, this three-story restaurant offers free live music every single night of the week. Often, there is something happening on more than one floor at a time. There’s no cover charge, and you don’t even have to eat at the restaurant to enjoy the tunes (and maybe a dance or two). Nurse a drink along at the bar. Musical styles heard here range from rock to jazz to folk. It’s not just for tourists anymore!

The Marketplace Cafe US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

The track on, and another track on the other side of the B802, descend to Auchinstarry and the marina.) A sign for Bar Hill indicates the track across the road. Take this farm track (which runs up along the Roman line), ignoring left forks, on to a gate leading into a cool deciduous wood. Ignore paths leading off to the left. When an open green space is reached (the green swathe, straight on up the forest ride, is the line of the Military Way), bear right. (Forestry Commission/John Muir signs.) On a rise there’s an explanation board by Historic Scotland about Bar Hill in the Roman period. (They spell it Bar, but others have Barr.) And what a view of our route: no Roman concessions to topography. The ground falls away then rises steeply, and the easiest walking is by the forest edge.

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