Yellowstone Riverside Geyser Spur

Turn east toward the river at Spa Geyser to see the most gracefully situated and aesthetically satisfying geyser eruption in the park. Riverside Geyser has been for a century the park’s most Riverside Geyser’s spray creates a rainbow in the sunlight. regular geyser. A 1909 guidebook stated that it erupted every 8 hours for about 15 minutes. It is predictable to within about half an hour, now erupting about every 6 or 7 hours. Check its predicted eruption times at the visitor center. During its eruption, Riverside ejects water from several vents in its chair-like formation on the far side of the Firehole. Water overflowing the edges of the formation indicates that it will erupt within an hour or so, while water beginning to spout from the highest hole at the left means the eruption will occur in about one-half hour. The first few minutes of the eruption are the most spectacular, with water arching over the river up to 75 feet (23 m) from the cone. The eruption continues for about 20 minutes.

Some eruptions spread a veritable curtain of droplets out over the river. Back on the main walkway On the far side of the bridge are two geysers so closely related that they are always mentioned together and are effectively one geyser. Fan Geyser’s eruptions come from 10 or 11 vents, some with water spouting as high as 125 feet (38 m) and over the trail. One vent even jets water downward toward the Firehole. Mortar Geyser, whose name may come from the cannon-like sound of its eruptions, has fewer vents and lower jets of water up to 80 feet (24 m). Everyone fortunate enough to witness a major eruption of these geysers is invariably thrilled. From 1997 to August 2005, and during part of 2008, Fan and Mortar were active more often than not, erupting every few days. Geyser gazers waited for hours and were able to chronicle in great detail the preplay, or varying minor activity, from the many vents. Certain combinations of vent activity were known to trigger eruptions most of the time. SpitefUl Geyser is closer to the walkway than Fan and Mortar. Dormant in the early 1990s, it more recently emitted a constant spray toward the boardwalk. Witness its angry-seeming spitting and you’ll understand the name.

Opposite Spiteful is an unnamed feature that is unocially called the Norris Pools. In 1998, these pools underwent a major change and the southern one became a geyser that erupted when Fan and Mortar did for about three years. S© A restroom is off the trail to the right. Morning Glory Pool, on a short spur to the left, is famous for its brilliant blue color and tube shape, which make it resemble the common morning glory blossom. But late in the season when its temperature drops, the pool turns green, yellow, and brown. Morning Glory’s great fame may account for the tremendous vandalism it has suffered. In one cleaning-out in 1950, rangers Mortar (on left) and Fan Geysers put on an exciting show (2001). found 112 different kinds of foreign objects, including logs, nearly 100 dollars in coins, and delicate items of underclothing. Vandalism was one reason why the Grand Loop Road was relocated a considerable distance away from this pool over 30 years ago.

Yellowstone Riverside Geyser Spur Photo Gallery




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