Belo Horizonte Map

Belo Horizonte Map To Charlotte


1517 Camden Rd., 704/376-2787,

HOURS: Tues.-Thurs. and Sat. 11 A.M.-3 P.M., Fri. 11 A.M.-3 P.M. and 5-8 P.M., Sun. 1-5 P.M. Map 2

The nonprofit Charlotte Art League is dedicated to promoting visual arts by offering studio space, lectures, and art classes for emerging and professional artists. It’s not a gallery in the traditional sense; the warehouselike space does present rotating exhibits but it also serves as studio space for member artists who for a small fee can rent wall space to sell their work. After checking out the latest exhibits, feel free to wander through the rest of the space, peeking into the artists’ workspaces to see works in progress.

Later in 1492, Columbus reaches Cuba and Hispaniola, where Belo Horizonte Map he establishes the Spanish colony of Navidad. He returns to Spain with some pieces of gold and Belo Horizonte Map six Lucayo (Arawak) natives. 1493 A much larger expedition, made up of seventeen ships instead of three, sails from Spain under the direction of Columbus, who has been named an admiral. He tours most of the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico before arriving in Hispaniola in 1494. On Hispaniola, Columbus disrupts native agricultural practices by forcing the Arawaks to find set amounts of gold. He also alienates the Spanish colonists (who probably resented serving a Genoan). Both Christopher and his brother Bartholomew mismanage the island.

Belo Horizonte Map Photo Gallery

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