New Orleans Metro Map

There was a purpose to just about everything in the cabin, from room layout to placement of doors. Scott would give us the strange details later on the tour.

Our group would have the good fortune of spending two nights at the cabin. We selected a small room with two twin beds separated by an end table. Actually, the beds were very narrow, more like cots.

The rooms were simply furnished. Ours contained a bathroom, small closet, desk and table. Much of the original furniture from Harry’s day still remained in the cabin. The rugged luxury of the furnishings is a little tarnished now.

Today the cabin is used primarily by the Boy Scouts. Oh, we should probably mention there would be Cub Scouts with us over the weekend. In fact, some scouts and dads had already arrived. They were having fun playing on the piano in the serving room. The perky little boys would make this weekend fun. We didn’t know then just how much fun.

Once we settled into our room, Lorena Wygant, co-founder of Hauntings Paranormal Research, arrived with her team. Her co-founder, Dawn, would meet us at dinner. The members for this investigation were Jessica, Melissa, Doug and Tammy.

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