Tampa Map Tourist Attractions

But poor weary I slipt out to enter my mind in Tampa Map Tourist Attractions my Jornal, and left my Great Landly with her Talkative Guests to themselves. From hence we Tampa Map Tourist Attractions proceeded about ten forenoon through the Narragansett country, pretty Leisurely; and about one afternoon come to Paukataug River, wch was about two hundred paces over, and now very high, and no way over to to’ther side but this. I darid not venture to Ride thro, my courage at best in such cases but small, And now at the Lowest Ebb, by reason of my weary, very weary, hungry and uneasy Circumstances.

So takeing leave of my company, tho’ wth no little Reluctance, that I could not proceed wth them on my Jorny, Stop at a little cottage just by the River, to wait the Waters falling, web the old man that lived there said would be in a little time, and he would conduct me safe over. This little Hutt was one of the wretchedest I ever saw a habitation for human creatures. It was suported with shores enclosed with Clapbords, laid on Lengthways, and so much asunder, that the Light come throu’ every where; the doore tyed on ‘Nch a cord in ye place of hinges; The floor the bear earth; no windows but such as the thin covering afforded, nor any furniture but a Bedd wth a glass Bottle hanging at ye head on’t; an earthan cupp, a small pewter Bas on, A Bord wth sticks to stand on, instead of a table, and a block or two in ye corner instead of chairs.

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