My gosh I can’t believe we made the Train Hey everyone by the way all right.

So this morning we found out there was a travel expert on in London, and we were like we should go to this begin how it takes. So long to get from Birmingham to London, and we don’t want to miss out. So we check the latest train times had to run it was an 18 minute walk for the train came in eight minutes I think we got there at like seven, and a half minutes. So we’ve just made the train no joke on the train to London, and we’re heading to the expo what’s it exactly hold the World Tourism Board colonel nexor London, and we wanted to check it out. So I think we’re gonna make it that’s good bye, and that gave us a nice alright. So we just got to London Houston, and psych on the west side of London. So we need to now catch the underground truth to get through the conference center which is a place for nextel the various given head are today another 40 minutes to get this about the time we get to the conference is going to be two o’clock or, and then we just give you spend the rest of the day then it closes all right.


So there is currently a strike here in England in the tube which is making it very hard for us to get here. So we have now arrived to a spot that we’re really close to the convention. But we have to cross a river or relate maneuver across this river oh well the tube is closed. So we have to go inside a cable car kind of like the ones you go into when you are a skiing I moved you going that over how weird is this I know it’s closed right oh you’re rushing to try, and make sure that we get there not too late. But this has made it. So difficult as well it’s like when I made it working again everything is working against our regards we I said it is fate if we make that first train we made that first train. So I meant to go.

But oh my gosh. So we’re going in this can you see it the cable car out out there. So we’re gonna be on that get across the water, and then we’ll be there oh my god it’s naughty to rain. But I didn’t bring an umbrella it’s got the Emirates Airline that’s actually smart sponsorship go go go what are we going boarding this play. Because the choose clothes they’ve made a free today to normative appear in colour thank you how’s that experience that you you were I think you thought you on a roller coaster that’s where the convention centers for a crazy day yeah it is hardly -. So we’ve been traveling for hours fingers crossed now they let us in. Because this is like a blog Expo, and we didn’t sign up for anything like that.

So we have to register at the door this is Jeff personally from Australia could Tyson he’s known as twice, and travels, I’m Instagram you want to see him or the naked traveler, and we saw that he is actually working here, and he just sent out a tweet with the post those in, and which s just tweeted insane is there a day three of this explains it yeah come on down that was at 9 a.m. this morning. So the very spontaneous come down. But if people have been to London before you know it is hard to travel around up here. So hopefully like we’re not too late today was like yeah I think there’s like a ton of trees, and boards there, and it’s actually a work workday this is we’re getting down to business yeah it’ll be great for us as we’ve never actually experienced like a travel Expo before or anything we’ve been to VidCon door that was more for post yeah we this is more about full-on travel tourism, and all that. So we’re gonna go like kind of pitch ourselves to some tourism boards airline some tour companies, and hopefully we can get some amazing adventures for you guys next year we’ve never been to one of these before.

So we might just walk away with the experience. But it doesn’t matter anyway yeah, I’m just excited to see what they’re like in in there with the whole trouble community being traveling since we started the blow we started traveling. So we never really go to have a chance to get in with the community you know there’s this hopefully good chance to meet fellow travelers I would love to make more travel blockers we’ve met a few on the road I want to eat more yesthank, and non travel postgers as well little things let’s see where we start. So this this place is huge. So we’re in the North Africa section Oh in the South Africa section this North Africa, and it goes all the way down I mean find the Australian section first maybe some Aziz how busy is the stairwell now. So Grady it’s like amazing here Steve really spent a lot of money on neighbors it’s so cool two hours in, and it’s still inside each other to a whole bunch of tourism boards, and companies, and it is. But now we’re just going to make our way towards Africa, and have a chat down there we’ve kind of made our way from Europe, and it was also about a Europe, and Asia, and Abu Dhabi the stands are really interesting like if I was here as a consumer, I’m so actually, I’m sold anyway from here for work.

But his end of the day with a big luck well the cap shop at the Finland group, and that was really cool cuz we hadn’t really met that many near the same before yeah, and we also even I met another person that makes travel posts which is pretty cool as well. Because I was Olga’s is already such a small market yeah oh yeah I think she’s the only r I met here that we’re doing trimming posts it was really cool I am so exhausted we’ve been left back to back my meetings all day it is so tiring. But it is definitely anything out now it’s almost 6:00. So think we’re gonna go, and meet Michael Claire she’s just having a day in London. But oh my gosh that was hectic.

But we have. So many exciting things planned now for next year, I’m so excited we have like. So many things in the works now we had literally backs back meetings all day decided it was really really great I really recommend going to one of these things there’s another two days I don’t think we can afford to come back into London again, and then back into London again it’s very far out. But it was so good I highly recommend doing these things this is our first time and, I’m gonna do alright. So we just got back to London Euston, and we appreciate jumping on the main train of, and making out to our journey exactly. So you can resolve museums which ones do you guys, and you recommend people go, and see them please don’t flush nappies sanitary towels paper towel old phones are paid bill junk mail your exits fighter, and little goldfish now chocolate well that’s where that was hilarious had to be it sounds had a big day you go fish.

So you’ve seriously don’t flush the goldfish down trying to K we want the goldfish a lot of great public, and as a citizen Shh Steve I think I overdid the garlic bread is he gonna me too way too much clear was eating, and she said no once it already be um. So you get a piece get a piece I have painted up some pumpkin soup we’re home now we showered up, and we’re ready to eat some did not it is probably 10:30 at night, and I am exhausted dad how such a spontaneous last minute awesome very it was really good though hey mm-hmm goodbye yeah supposed to watch a movie while we do some work on what chef on yeah it’s a good movie it is a good movie and, I’m not clear to watch it. So I think might put it on while we do some work, and then I guess we’re gonna go to bed thanks for reading guys, and see you tomorrow bye.

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