Ankara Map

Thou hast a house on high erect Fram’d by Ankara Metro Map that Kat checked EMF levels around Lorena, who was feeling chilled.

Eventually we cautiously descended down the uneven steps to the black, frigid sublevel. There was something ominous about that lower room, our voices falling flat against the thick cement walls. We were constantly looking over our shoulders and peering into the depths half expecting someone to come out of a corner and touch us.

Maybe it was because of the tunnel that led to the lake. It was blocked off, but still, could there be something waiting inside? Whatever the reason, I know what Kat meant before; it didn’t feel like we were alone. With the biting cold we left after about fifteen minutes.

At 4:30 Lorena called it a wrap. We headed off to our rooms. Whether we captured any evidence or not, Lost Lake Scout Reserve and Harry Bennett’s cabin were a truly unique experience.

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