Antwerp Map Tourist Attractions


No country of Europe, and probably no country in the world, has such a high rate of urbanisation. Now here has the distance between town and country been so greatly reduced. Indeed, you pass from one to the other without leaving the built-up area. There is no vacuum between the towns, but a solution of continuity in the form of a street fringed with houses, a road running through fields with crops, always linking them up. Unspoiled nature shrinks visibly. Belgium, with its 30,500 sq. kilometres, each of which has an average of 318 inhabitants, is much more a town than a country, and much more a municipality than a megapolis. For the countryside does not experience an exodus to the towns: it lacks neither men nor implements. A single town. And yet, each of its components has its own physiognomy.

Antwerp Map Tourist Attractions Photo Gallery

Part view of Petrochim, Antwerp.

A Belgian-made harvester-thresher.

High-power direct current motor stator assembly line (ACEC).


Which was born of the Scheldt, which is as a cantata to the ‘powerful and muddy god with the badly-wiped beard’, Antwerp which supplanted Bruges at the end of the 15th century and gave the world its most fabulous artist, Pierre-Paul Rubens, Antwerp which raises above its wharves, shipyards and docks the graceful belfry of its cathedral, ‘as straight as a ramrod, as beautiful as a mast, as clear as a candle flame’ and spreads the fretted roofs of its guild-houses and the noble gables of its Renaissance mansions. Its port is the second-largest in Europe in terms of traffic: almost twenty thousand vessels berth annually along its fifty miles of wharves, and the tonnage handled is in excess of seventy million. A national port,

Antwerp covers four-fifths of Belgian trade; an international port, its hinterland stretches beyond the Rhine and the Seine, and half of its traffic consists of transiting goods. The continuous extension of the port has made possible the development of a big industrial zone. Antwerp has made use of all its charms to draw foreign investments; the biggest worldwide companies have located there.

Industries in the port of Antwerp.

Antwerp, second biggest European port and third in the world, is open to all markets.

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