Best asian country to visit

They have in some places Landes of their owne, and Best asian country to visit Govern’d by Law’s of their own making; they marry many wives and at Best asian country to visit pleasure put them away, and on the ye least dislike or fickle humour, on either side, saying stand away to one another is a sufficient Divorce. And indeed those uncomely Stand sways are too much in Vougue among the English in this Indulgent Colony as their Records plentifully prove, and that on very trivial matters, of which some have been told me, but are not proper to be Related by a Female pen, tho some of that foolish sex have had too large a share in the story. If the natives committ any crime on their own precincts among themselves, ye English takes no Cognezens of.

But if on the English ground, they are punishable by our Laws. They mourn for their Dead by blacking their faces, and cutting their hair, after an Awkerd and frightfull manner; But can’t bear You should mention the names of their dead Relations to them: they trade most for Rum, for wch theyd hazzard their very lives; and the English fit them Generally as well by seasoning it plentifully with water. They give the title of merchant to every trader; who Rate their Goods according to the time and spetia they pay in: viz.

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