Best country to visit in december

Philadadelphia February 28, 1753 Dear Sir I return you herewith Best country to visit in december Professor Kanster’s Remarks. As far as I am able to judge, the Translation is Best country to visit in december just, and your Answer a good one. I am pleas’d with the Omission of that part of a Paragraph relating to the German and Pensilvanian Electricians, and have corrected the Copy as you direct.

I have but one other Alteration to propose, which is, to omit some Part of the last Paragraph, and read the rest thus; After all, Mr. Colden must think himself obliged to the Professor, for exposing the Difficulties his Treatise lies under in the Opinion of others, as thereby an Opportunity is given of explaining his Doctrine more fully to their Satisfaction.

For it seems to me not so proper to make Acknowledgement for his Translating your Piece, as if it were a Favour, when he tells the World he did it by Command: And I apprehend it unnecessary, and that it may look like too great a Fondness for Complement, to draw one from him by Consequence; viz.

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