Best place in Hawaii to vacation

Easebourne is a most attractive village with several fine half- Best place in Hawaii to vacation timbered houses and sandstone cottages, some belonging to the Cowdray Estate. It once boasted a thirteenth Best place in Hawaii to vacation -century Augustinian priory, the buildings of which fell victim to the Dissolution, but long before that the nuns had scandalised the neighbourhood with their behaviour; the prioress is even alleged to have given birth.

The church, on the main road, has some Norman features but is described in Pevsner’s Buildings of England guide as having suffered a ‘catastrophic restoration – almost everything is 1876 at its hardest and worst’. Easebourne, pronounced ‘Ezbourne’ incidentally, has two curiosities: a bypass bridge, intended to keep horse traffic off its busy main road, and a street with the bizarre name of Wheelbarrow Castle. Follow the A272 briefly – take care, as it is a very busy road – then turn right into Easebourne Street and follow it uphill. Note the little bridges and stream running alongside the street, adding to the beauty of this village.

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