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Pink Lady’s Slippers

Pink Lady’s Slippers, members of the orchid family, grow in a variety of habitats: moist woods and bogs, like those around Divide Lake, as well as dry woods, cliffs, and inland sandy soils. Orchids form the largest family of flowering plants in terms of the number of species. While there are many different kinds of orchids, they seldom, if ever, dominate a habitat. A leafless stalk bears the inflated, slipper-like flower of the Pink Lady’s Slipper to a height of about 12 inches around late June. The genus name of the lady slippers group of flowers (Cypripdeium) is Latin for Venus’ slipper.

At the northern limit of their range, Pink Lady’s Slippers stretch across Canada from Saskatchewan to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, and from Alabama to South Carolina in the south. Enjoy all wildflowers in their natural environment. Some, like the lady slipper, have a difficult time reproducing, even in the wild, and usually don’t do well when transplanted to wildflower gardens. The requirements for healthy wildflowers can be very specific and they suffer and die when gardeners can’t match these conditions.

The route around Divide Lake closely approaches the lake in places, but also moves away from it and onto ridges to get around lakeside bogs and wetlands. There are several overlooks, some with benches that provide convenient spots to stop and rest. The benches are also good places to sit and see what wildlife presents itself. Besides the benches, the campsite on Blueberry Point, which juts out into the lake, is an excellent vantage point from which to view the lake and all its goings on. The morning and evening hours are the best times to catch glimpses of wildlife. Scat along the trail indicates that moose frequent the area in winter. Because of its short length, wide trail, and gentle terrain, this trail would be a good one to use in winter for your early adventures on snowshoes.

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