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COLLUCIANISTS. In his letter to Eusebius of Nicomedia, Arius greets him as a Collucianist, i.e., a fellow disciple of the school of Lucian of Antioch. The name was anciently given to a group of Lucian’s disciples who supported Arius doctrinally and politically: it included Eusebius of Nicomedia, Maris of Chalcedon, Theognis of Nicaea, Anthony of Tarsus, Leontius of Antioch and Asterius the Sophist. G. Bardy, Saint Lucien d’Antioche et son ©cole; les collucianistes: RSR 22 1932 437-462; G. Bardy, Recherches sur S. Lucien d’Antioche et son ©cole, Paris 1936. M. Simonetti COLLUTHUS mid-6th c.. Alexandrian monophysite, author of an Apologia pro Theodosio defending the Tomus ad Theodoram of Theodosius, monophysite patriarch of Alexandria 525560, against the attacks of the deacon Themistius, head of the sect of the Agnoetae, who had been accused in the Tomus. Some fragments of the Apologia are preserved. Themistius replied with a Contra Colluthum. CPG 7298: Mansi X, 1117E, 1121A, 1121D-1124A; DTC 15, 219- 221; Beck 395; R. Riedinger, ACO ser. c. I, 330.14-17, 25-28, 30- 33; 332.1-5; A. Van Roey – P. Allen, Monophysite Texts of the Sixth Century, OLA 56, Leuven 1994, 6, 10-11, 16; Patrologia V, 362-363; 359-363 Themistius.

Slavery, African Country By the 1640s, colonists found themselves in a crisis situation: there was a distinct shortage of labor in the New World. Buenos Aires Map The settlers had been quick to recognize the agricultural potential of the land they had come to. Realizing this potential, however, was a goal that would prove highly labor-intensive. Furthermore, the land in the Middle and Southern colonies was particularly suited for producing cotton, rice, indigo, and especially tobacco all laborintensive crops. Europeans did not arrive in sufficient numbers in the late seventeenth century to fill the need for this labor, and attempts to either hire or enslave Native Countrys as field workers proved unsatisfactory.

As a result, talk turned increasingly toward adapting the system of African slavery that had been so widely used in the Caribbean islands and Latin Country. As early as the sixteenth century, Africans had been brought from West Africa to work in Spain’s New World colonies, and the Portuguese had brought slaves from Angola and Zaire to Brazil even earlier. Between 1433 and 1488, it is estimated that from 500 to 1,000 African slaves were imported annually to Portuguese colonies in the Western Hemisphere. Large shipments of African slaves began to arrive at the sugar cane plantations of Hispaniola (modern-day Haiti) in 1502. It has been estimated that, by the end of the 1500s, some 80,000 African slaves were being brought to the Spanish colonies each year.

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