Gakona Alaska Map

However, there is plenty to suggest HAARP is being used for far more than just research. When radio waves strike a metallic object, they set up tiny electrical currents. That’s how a radio or TV antenna works; those tiny currents are amplified and then converted to sound or pictures. So what happens when you pump out as much power as HAARP will? According to the environmental impact statement filed for construction of the HAARP facilities, HAARP could ignite road flares stored in the trunks of nearby cars, detonate explosives that use electronic fuses, and scramble the communications, navigation, and flight control systems of aircraft. If you’re made of flesh and blood instead of metal, you’re still not safe. The same environmental impact statement also mentions that HAARP could raise the internal body temperatures of persons near the transmitter site.

HAARP’s location suggests its potential as a defensive weapon. At the time HAARP was conceived, the main threat to the United States came from Soviet nuclear missiles. The flight path of these missiles from the USSR to the United States would take them over Alaska, where a powerful directed radio beam, such as HAARP, could disrupt their electronics and navigation systems by the currents induced by the beam. Redirecting the beam could produce similar results against missiles from China or North Korea. Because of their lower altitudes, manned bombers would receive stronger signals from HAARP and be even more vulnerable to having their systems disrupted.

Gakona Alaska Map Photo Gallery

The Air Force and Navy are well aware of HAARP’s potential to interfere with aircraft operation there is an “aircraft alert” radar system at the HAARP site. According to the HAARP website, “The radar will be used to disable HAARP transmissions when aircraft are detected in air space close to the array.”

Another possible military application of HAARP is to locate hidden underground installations and facilities. When the HAARP signal is reflected off the ionosphere and back to ground at a distant point, the signal would then be reflected back off the ground and back to the HAARP transmitter site. A signal of HAARP’s power would be able to penetrate below the ground at the distant point, and the reflected signal would be altered by underground facilities.

The scary thing about HAARP, however, is no one knows exactly what happens when you beam that much power to a relatively small section of the ionosphere. Some speculate that the energy could disperse throughout the ionosphere and disrupt radio communications worldwide, much like a solar storm. Others worry that HAARP could create a temporary hole in the ionosphere or alter the weather, since there is evidence for a connection between levels of solar activity and weather patterns. Since migrating birds depend on the Earth’s magnetic field for direction-finding, there is even speculation that HAARP could cause changes in the Earth’s magnetic field to alter migration patterns.

All we know for sure is this: the military never funds research projects like HAARP unless they hope there is a potential military application for anything discovered, and something damn strange is going on near Gakona.

What’s There: HAARP consists of a mammoth antenna system and transmitters. HAARP has 180 antenna towers, each 72 feet high, spaced over 33 acres. It uses 360 ten-kilowatt transmitters, for a total transmitter power of 3,6000,000 watts. The signal gain from the antennas means HAARP can radiate a signal with an effective radiated power of over one gigawatt, meaning it would be over a thousand times more powerful than any other radio transmitting facility in the world. Six 2500-kilowatt electric generators supply the power.

Key Facilities: The heart of HAARP is the ionospheric research instrument (IRI). This uses the antenna and transmitters to create narrow beams of radio energy on frequencies from 2.8 to 10 MHz in the shortwave range. The beams can be projected in any direction, including directly overhead. There is also an incoherent scatter radar (ISR), which operates in the 430 to 450 MHz range and an “ionosonde” (a sort of radio-based “sonar” device) that operates from 1 to 30 MHz (or roughly from the middle of the AM broadcasting band to the end of the shortwave range). These two devices are supposedly used to measure I he effect HAARP is having on the ionosphere. There are also magne-lometers and other passive measuring devices. An operations center controls all of these items.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), Gakona

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