Hippodrome de Vincennes Vincennes Race Track Paris

Whenever he has visitors, one of my closest friends always takes them to the Vincennes Racecourse

(Hippodrome de Vincennes), referred to as the « Temple of Trotting. » It’s a great venue for lunch or dinner in the panoramic restaurant overlooking the racecourse. However, the best time to go is dinner; the racetrack is lit, lending the track and the trotting horses an almost surreal aura. The excitement rises to fever pitch as horses and jockeys head for the finish line. My friend Tony says that visitors regularly exclaim afterwards: It’s one of the most memorable events on a Paris trip! The racecourse is located in the south-east corner of Paris at 2, route de la Ferme, Paris 12 (TEL: +33 (0)1 49 77 17 17) and can be reached by going to the end of the line on the number 1 Metro -Chateau de Vincennes – and then walking to the racecourse or taking Bus number 112 to the Carrefour de la Beaute stop. You could combine this day (or evening) at the races with a walk through the Bois de Vincennes, taking in the Parc Floral (see n° 30 ).

Hippodrome de Vincennes Vincennes Race Track Paris Photo Gallery

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