Yeah, this is a Austrian dish remember throughout the kick was compacted, this is sohcahtoa. And it is each, but yeah oh, you are not done, this is really really right now in front of, you. I’m proudly presents this the VIX the biggest crystal in the world here here in the middle the middle one the small one is 2600 current.

MOONSHINE TASTE TESTS Vienna Austria Photo Gallery

And the whole crystal is ninety six thousand current with 57 facets to Amish laps Museum now, this is a kind of living museum because we’re still producing the old fashioned way out of old recipe books of my ancestors well as far as. I know, you call all strong alcoholic drinks either with sugar now sugar schnapps we don’t we have four different categories we have those would be collar snaps and, this is almost a clear distilled product distilled from fermented fruits no sugar at all, but if. I had sugar for any alcohol of course then it will be early cure good evening guys.

So right now you’re at the Schomburg pallets here in Vienna for oh my gosh I’m so nervous dinner. And a Mozart concert Oh Mozart concert in Vienna, it’s like, you cliche oh.

I’m such a classical I’m so excited this place is freaking gorgeous. So that’s why.

I’ve dressed up like like this okay we can go play in the palace no we’re not no no no what about the stairs no we read that balcony or the ride the railing. I don’t think really. I think we’re going in that in the one says cafe not.

So cool what looks like a place. I would like to live one day. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry Tim you. ?

Maybe You Like Them Too

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