Nevada Subway Map

Nevada historical overview

Latinos are simultaneously the oldest and newest arrivals to what is now the state of Nevada. Some Latinos took part in the mining of silver in the 1860s; others helped build the railroads throughout Nevada at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries; others still are only just arriving to work in the construction, landscaping, and service industries.

Today, Nevada is seeing a demographic upheaval the likes of which it has never seen before. Much of the booming growth is attributed to Latinos. The tide of Latino migrants and the rapid growth of Latino families are injecting new life and energy into the state at every level. In fact, Nevada’s Latino population is young and getting younger, whereas the state’s Euro-American population is old and getting older. Spanish is heard everywhere in Nevada, and there has been a proliferation of Latino newspapers and Spanish-language radio and television stations.

Many Latinos of the baby boom generation are middle class and bilingual. Besides, they spend inordinate sums of money on goods and services. The younger generation performs a cultural balancing act, living in two worlds at the same time, without losing anything in the translation. They have managed to absorb enough of the mainstream culture to succeed, without losing their Latino-ness.

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