New York zip code map

Greenwich Village and SoHo

It’s fashionable to claim that the Village is no longer what it was. But the same could be said of any place in vogue for a while. Though it’s overrun by fashion boutiques and candlelit restaurants with chequered table cloths, Greenwich Village remains one of the prettiest parts of New York as well as the most casual and animated.

Start your tour in Washington Square at the end of Fifth Avenue, the heart of the New York University campus. This is the largest private university in the United States. By day you can cross the park to admire the view up Fifth Avenue through the famous Washington Arch designed by architect Stanford White. It was built in 1889 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Washington’s inauguration as president. The park boasts New York’s oldest tree, on oak which for many years served as a gallows. Twenty highwaymen were hanged from it in 1824 in honour of Lafayette’s visit to New York.

At night it’s wiser to keep out of the square, a busy centre for drug trafficking.

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