Picking Travel Partners

Picking Travel Partners

You’re itching to take a trip. You’ve got the money saved up, or at least you are ready to start saving for it, have a general idea where you really want to go, when you can go and are almost all set. Yet, you’re stuck. You’re missing one of the key pieces of the equation someone to travel with.

While I’m a huge advocate of solo-travel and I constantly encourage people to try it, the truth is there are a lot of destinations which are best seen with company. Unfortunately, while travel is almost always a pleasant experience, traveling with other people tends to have a significantly higher failure rate. Beyond ruining the experience, it also has an unfortunate tendency to scrap friendships and relationships in the process.

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All of which sounds a bit dire. But, the good news is that when it does work out, it has the potential to cement friendships and craft them into lifelong relationships. Traveling together also creates a string of new shared memories which adds an incredible level of depth and richness above and beyond simply navigating life’s daily routines together.

In general, most people get so caught up in feeling that they have to find a travel companion or feeling obliged to travel with a close friend or someone who they’re unsure about, that they neglect basic best practice from the get-go.

You’re going to live together for the duration of the trip, hang out together, eat together and be in a plethora of emotionally-charged situations. Chances are, the trip will also stretch across days, not just a sunny afternoon or cozy morning.

The following are key elements I use to evaluate a travel partner (or partners) compatibility.

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