Tarantulas for Dinner – Phnom Penh Cambodia

Hey guys welcome to Cambodia yes with Raja Cambodia. And our first stop is a place called The Killing Fields yes um basically we’re gonna learn about the genocide that happened here in Cambodia that’s nothing from nineteen. And seventy five to nineteen seventy-nine for four years, you read our terms there were four mr.

Paul coach. And he was a congressman. And during his regimes he killed screaming at people.

Tarantulas for Dinner – Phnom Penh Cambodia Photo Gallery

And lost delighted that machine this place we call the killing field in 1918 the government found this place 129 mass grave. And 86 of which will excavate it a thousand nine hundred. And eighty five corpses were excellent here.

So missing most of the scow put in here at propel they use the stick sir war axe. And how another knock the back side of the prisoner. And why did they did induce the bullet because the bullet is very expensive the traitor they cure them very crude it was me who are the correct on the traitor in high educated people.

And the people will found from Vietnam border between Vietnam. And Cambodia we gonna walk you’re gonna see all of the phone keys. And clothes still come up from the earth as well mostly they arrested only one person after they asked them the biography.

And then they arrest all of the whole family even though the children were tortured overkill as well, you read attempt there’s so much clothing coming out of the ground very very disturbing. So this place before it was in high school.

And after that they converted the high school into the prison cell. And repeating a in here it used for torturing interrogating. And detention how long the prisoner they stay in here stabbed from toe to poor man who politic prisoner ran from me sick to survive man.

And after that they talked up to the killing field Chris are, you excited thank, you no one oh my gosh still trying to process what’s going on appreciate it Democratic secret rest of us just outside yeah she told me for peace all here is anyone else having all ears very tough hey John Young. ?

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