Tehran Subway Map

It was completed in 1823 and remains the most stunning building Tehran Subway Map in Brighton, both inside and outside, the most notable rooms being the Music Room, the Tehran Subway Map Great Kitchen and the Banqueting Room. It has seen a number of hauntings. Between the World Wars, on the occasion of a banquet, a caterer inspecting the table settings saw an elderly rotund woman coming from the kitchen wearing a long bunched-up skirt, triangular shawl and large bonnet.

She was thought to be the ghost of Martha Gunn, the so-called ‘bathing lady’ who was one of the early promoters of health in the footsteps of Dr Russell. Other ghosts here include a male who said ‘Thank you! Thank you!’ to a lady making a bed, but who disappeared as she looked round; a frightened man in drab clothing who appeared to a security officer in 1991; and a man dressed in a shirt of silvery satin with cream pantaloons who was seen to climb an invisible staircase in 1993. In the spring of 1993, students saw the cowled figure of a ghostly monk in the Pavilion grounds.

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