Tokyo Subway Map

Eating in Tokyo can be very expensive. The expense-account restaurants in the first-class hotels are nearly all for those persons who are not budget conscious or who are dining at company expense. The business executives in Japan have unlimited expense accounts and the hotel restaurants and fancier restaurants cater to them. There are numerous other choices. Tokyo has close to ninety thousand, mostly small, restaurants. On weekdays the restaurants in office buildings are open to the public and are reasonably priced. So too are the multitude of restaurants on the side streets, along the Ginza and in the subway arcades.

It is easy to get lost in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan. To help visitors a Travel Phone system provides assistance in the city and out in the countryside. The calls are free and the assistance is given in English. To get connected a ten-yen coin is needed. Outside of Tokyo or Kyoto find a blue or yellow phone and when an operator comes on say, Collect call for TIC.

For those who want to experience more Japanese culture, Kyoto is the place. Surrounded by an arc of hills open to the South, Kyoto has hundreds of temples and shrines in and around the city and many art treasures, ancient and modern.

As in Britain, driving in Japan is on the left. Speed limits are much lower than in the United States. Like our American Automobile Association (AAA) the Japanese Automobile Federation (JAF) provides maps and road service for auto drivers. International road signs are easily read by the visitor. It is inadvisable for visitors to drive in the cities.

Within this small country, air service requires relatively short times. Osaka is fifty-five minutes from Tokyo by plane. Tokyo to Okinawa takes two hours and forty minutes.

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