Tsukiji Fish Market Tuna Auction Tokyos Freshest Sushi

Hey guys it is exactly 151 in the morning and, I’m going to head down to the famous fish market the goal is to get there early enough to watch the tuna often. So the doors don’t open until something like 4:30 or 5 o’clock.

But to get there early enough to get a spot as one of the tourists that can watch this this auction you got to show really early, I’m not sure exactly how early some places take 3 a.m. another place I saw said 1 a.m. So, I’m going to go right now just to make sure that I get a spot in this auction it is very quiet out here very peaceful actually luckily it’s a beautiful morning. So I gotta find a taxi I am sure if you guys can see me, I’m going to find a taxi and, I’m gonna head down to the market see what we get into the all right drop that by the main gate this isn’t where I want to be as far as checking in for the auction. So, I’m gonna walk around, and try to find that Trevor you’re open just something to get sushi I love this place there’s the bridge I think we need to go over here, I’m about the 15th person in line, and I arrive, and within the next half hour the line reaches 120 person limit, and they start turning people away after standing outside for a while we’re finally escorted into a small room split into two groups of 60, and told to squeeze in 11 we have two hours before we get started to break up the wait a little bit one of the Kuna buyers comes in, and explains how the auction actually works, and tells a few jokes to lighten the mood here we go, and then just like that.

Tsukiji Fish Market Tuna Auction Tokyos Freshest Sushi Photo Gallery

I’m not in at the Sun starts to come up in Tokyo were escorted across the markets with small doorways which opens up a huge warehouse built to have annoy, and inspire the guys paced around the giant fish with a very methodical they examine a small pieces of tail cut off for evaluation, and check the quality, and fat content next they break off small chunks of the tail meat, and rub it in their fingers has consistency, and make up some sneaky guys even walk to another fish when they’re making their selections as to not tip off their interest any other buyers this is a very important process to get right if some of these massive fish should sell for upwards of 1.8 million US dollars yes that is the record here today a single fish sold 1.8 million u.s. dollars crazy once everyone has picked their favourites it’s time for the option to begin animated auction years yell out the prices as stoic buyers calmly make their bids with a series of pan gestures which represents numerical amount multiple auctions happen simultaneously fresh, and frozen to an hour sold separately, and everything happens in the blink of an eye each auction only lasts a few minutes at mold, and then tunas are tagged, and taken into the inner market to join all the other fish for distribution stay this place is chaotic is an understatement the cg market is the largest wholesale fish market in the world with over 400 different types of people being sold among an estimated 60,000 plus employees. So while consumers are out in the outer markets eating up all the sushi the wholesale market is in here.

So there isn’t a whole lot of eating or trying in the market itself mostly in the outer market the business is done super early, and there’s a lot of packages going off, and those are going wholesale to restaurants to grocery stores, and all the traffic in this area. But the quality, and the care they put in to the fish especially for the tuna incredible it’s the biggest fish market I’ve ever seen in my life, and the assortment, and the variety, and how many people are working here incredible keep looking around alright 7 a.m. I’m in the outer markets now the hustle, and bustle of the inside market it’s still going strong that doesn’t open to the public until 10 a.m. looks like there’s some sushi bunch of breakfast stuff, and already mobs with people the outer market is where all the consumer friendly vendors are it’s an endless supply of Japanese cuisine, and all of its components. So before I commit to a sushi spot I just let myself get lost labyrinth of deliciousness like an omelet fluffy, and sweet grilled scallops oh yeah the wishes it’s not a big fan always search those OHS are too big I like my oysters in one bite only this is without a doubt the most sprawling, and expansive market I’ve ever been to the centerpiece is obviously the tuna. But there are so many things that I don’t understand here its awesomeness, and there’s a lot of places that offer a little tasting, I’m just going around eating as much as I can there’s just so much stuff here it’s crazy now let’s talk about the main attraction sushi there are literally thousands of options in front of you. So determining where to eat can be an overwhelming task tackle first, and most obvious are the long line of the highly regarded TripAdvisor recommended foreign friendly places the quality is top-notch, and the prices reflect that then there’s the locally known Hong Kong both similar lines, and equally estate the offer it’s really interesting to see some places literally our long lines standing right next to another suture spot with nobody away from the chaos the populace to keep on down the back street there are tons of hidden gem options serving up a very similar threat I really think it’s hard to go wrong given me many places are popular puzzles, and sushi masters who make systems yourself.

But the source is so close really can’t go wrong , and my completely amateur opinion if you really want the freshest, and pure taste is his prized possession my highly recommend going directly to the vendor who are cutting off them selling the fish for example I visited this little street stall breaking down these highest quality – you can get, and it’s a fraction of the cost of the restaurant all right I found a quiet little place away from the crowd the market to try the most prized possession. So total or the fatty tuna it’s supposed to be the best tuning you can get the fattiness it’s not overpowering it’s not a strong fishy taste. But it I know this has been said probably way too much. But it literally just melts in your mouth oh my god I understand the hype that’s good now one of these get thousands, and thousands upon millions of dollars per fish Oh unbelievable all right that’s it from my time here at the fish market everybody seems to be closing up I got to eat some good sushi I got to see the auction I got to see where they sell all of the fish, and also the outside market as well it was a great morning, I’m exhausted, I’m gonna go take a nap. But as always if you liked the post give it a thumbs up leave a comment below if you tried some of this fish, and comment if you haven’t already, and I think that’s it see you guys next week.

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