The red buses I go take care of the city. So we’re gonna pursue like a loop the tourists yeah oh sweet Jesus, and leading us love is all will ever trust ya you know I don’t always with love we’ll go through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow through the sunrays, and find away melodies we haven’t played all right guys we have just jumped off the bus just on the southern part of Manhattan Island, and we’re just going to go try, and find something to drink to continue our ultimate New York the boys are thirsty. So they went, and got a drink, and then they fill up the goods they found one of those machines where there’s like a hundred flavors over a hundred flavors, and they were there trying all the flavors.


I found the best one there now they have taken a large cup of grape flavored fizzy drinks right okay great favorite sprite, and they are both like going crazy, and then shaking, and perfectly that is not fun, and it’s so funny, and now we’re going to go to the Statue of Liberty to put up with these two psychos I turn the camera, and or the camera on it now there are calm, and it would turn the camera off they’re gonna get my phone again no more Stephen oh my gosh what did you say your voice is starting to feel sick you’re crashing we’re here to take photos even yeah one chocolate meters will pass the newsstand can I get a chocolate where she got here at the most perfect time is usually the last cruise across, and we have no idea go hey guys were them the Liberty right it was built in 1893. But French, and in fact it’s not wasn’t green before it was copper color.

So he’s got to the Statue of Liberty still schools the last time. So it’s really coming in 2009. But last time we were able to walk on the grass, and she’d go up through the brillo like the platform. But we can’t now I don’t know if that’s changed or whether they’ve the grass yeah we are just jumping back on the bus to do the other half of the tour that we can see yeah please my thought I was there I sit in this chair yeah I guess that’s fine it’s all something sweep it up tomorrow if I can we’re now back home we’ve had dinner and, I’m now gonna probably spend the rest of the night writing blog posts Stephens gonna edit this blog, and that’s about it today, I’m thinking tomorrow we’ve heard that there’s like a beat parade going on. Because the women’s soccer team won right yeah no I think that’s what they said the women’s soccer team won and. So they’re doing like a big parades we’re gonna go check that out which would be awesome, and going to see some more sights of New York. But, I’m thanks so much for reading guys we had a really good day, and we’ll see you tomorrow bye guys.

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