Wedding on Costa Rica

We want to have a plated dinner on the sand, but we’re concerned that it’ll be cold by the time it gets to the beach. What are our options for catering? THE PRO Larissa Banting is the brains behind Weddings Costa Rica, a pura-vida planning operation that has designed boutique events for more than 13 years.

If dinner on the beach is your vision, your planner will need to coordinate with your caterer to discuss the logistics mainly where the closest kitchen is to the proposed location. They might need to build a mini kitchen at the beach, which comes with extra challenges (lights, electricity, etc.). A properly managed buf et can keep food hot and covered (an important thing to consider in the tropics due to insects) and will ensure minimal wait times, like setting up a double-sided buf et table so guests can pass through twice as fast.

You might also consider food stations and invite guests up by table to start at dif erent stations so there’s a constant fl ow of trac. Another option that’s becoming very popular is family-style catering, where large platters are set on each table and guests can pass them among themselves. Keep in mind though that those platters take up a lot of table space, so if you’re planning on having large centerpieces, family style might not be the way to go. During a recent wedding, guests were dancing during dinner, so it made it di cult to know when to remove platters and replace them with another course.

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