Wichita Map

Wichita Map To Charlotte

1900 Queens Rd., 704/334-7232, www.mpbconline.org

The commanding brick church on the corner of Queens Road and Queens Road sits across from the historic Queen’s University and is comprised of several brick buildings spread across a lush campus. The most interesting feature of the church isn’t the church itself; it’s the labyrinth on the grounds. It was constructed in 2001 to mimic the 14th-century labyrinth at Chartres cathedral in France. It was designed by artist and congregant Tom Schulz, and is open to the public around the clock. The church was founded in 1943 to cater to Baptist families. Aside from its sheer size there is nothing noteworthy about the church, but the labyrinth is worth a visit.

Scarcely had the French made this reply, when they slipped Wichita Map their cables, spread their sails, and passed through our midst. Our admiral, seeing this Wichita Map , followed the French commander, and called upon him to lower his sails, in the name of King Philip, to which he received an impertinent answer. Immediately our admiral gave an order to discharge a small culverin, the ball from which struck the vessel amidships, and I thought she was going to founder. We gave chase, and some time after he again called on them to lower their sails. I would sooner die first than surrender! replied the French commander. The order was given to fire a second shot, which carried off five or six men; but, as these miserable devils are very good sailors, they maneuvered so well that we could not take one of them; and, notwithstanding all the guns we fired at them, we did not sink one of their ships. We only got possession of one of their large boats, which was of great service to us afterwards. During the whole night our flagship [the San Pelayo] and the galley chased the French flagship [Trinity] and galley.

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