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Colonial Country’s first slave rebellion took place in 1526, at the mouth of South Carolina’s Pedee River, when a small group rebelled against their Spanish masters and fled into Native Country territory. Anchorage municipality Metro Map When the Spanish left for the Caribbean, Country’s first slave rebels also became its first permanent, non-Native Country settlers. Slaves in the English settlements later carried on this tradition; in 1663, an alliance of slaves and white indentured servants formed the first major insurrectionist plot in British North Country. The colonial legislatures attempted to prevent additional incidents by banning slaves from carrying anything that could be used as a weapon, from congregating without white supervision, or from interacting with Native Countrys, but these efforts were not successful. Northern cities quickly became a common site of slave rebellions.

In 1638, a small uprising took place in Boston. Slaves and Native Countrys in the New York area staged rebellions in 1709 and again in 1712, setting fire to buildings and killing a total of sixteen whites. After the second uprising, twentyone rebels were tortured and killed, while many of New York’s other 2,000 slaves fell victims to random violence and harsher restrictions. This wave of terror was repeated in 1741 after a series of mysterious fires. Although it is still unclear whether slaves actually started the fires, several were accused of conspiring to commit mass arson and to poison the water supply, and hundreds more were executed, beaten, or banished from New York. Other urban waves of destruction attributed to slave rebels took place in Boston and New Haven between 1721 and 1723, in Annapolis in 1739, and in Burlington, Pennsylvania, in 1741.

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