Anchorage municipality Subway Map

You proceed past Prinsted Point and through the Thornham Marina, Anchorage municipality Subway Map a popular base for leisure craft, then continue to Prinsted, the village street coming down to Anchorage municipality Subway Map meet the coast path. There are seats available for you to sit and admire the delightful views, which include the spires of Bosham Church and Chichester Cathedral. Prinsted, meaning ‘place of pears’, is a beautiful village with some of the most attractive cottages on the Sussex coast.

There is evidence of life in the area stretching back over 2,000 years, and it is reported that Roman coins and pottery have been found here. Many of the houses have features thought to date from the sixteenth century, and the names of the houses themselves – among them The Thatch and Little Orchard Cottage – are picturesque in themselves and suggest an idyllic and unspoilt community. The oldest and prettiest part of the village is round the meeting of a Y of lanes, in the middle of which are two thatched cottages forming a tiny square, while up the left branch of the Y are two timber-framed cottages with overhanging upper storeys.

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