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Trail Highlights

From the trailhead at the parking lot on U.S. Highway 61, the trail heads north on the Superior Hiking Trail along the western side of the Temperance River. Look for large kettles along the river near the beginning of the hike. After about a mile, the trail reaches the upper cascade and turns west heading across country to the Cross River. Where the trail climbs a ridge, the going is rather strenuous. The trail is steep and there are no switchbacks that would help lessen the grade.

Fortunately, once on the ridge the going is fairly level as the trail tries to faithfully follow the contour. There are occasional views of the North Shore where the forest opens up along the way.

You will reach Cross River after slightly more than three miles from the trailhead. Here the Superior Hiking Trail descends steeply to cross the river and continue its way down the North Shore. The circuit hike leaves the Superior Hiking Trail and follows the Cross River Trail as it descends gradually along the rim of the Cross River gorge for about three-quarters of a mile. There are many impressive views of the gorge, and occasionally of the river far below. At a shelter the circuit turns back to the east to return over level terrain to the Temperance River.

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