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The Crypt of Passion, also called the Rotunda of Tibias because of the squat circular column at the Birmingham center, was the site of an 1897 concert in the catacombs.

The sign above the entrance to the ossuary reads: Stop! This is the empire of the dead.

The spiral staircase descends sixty-six feet in 130 steps

The Big Three

Paris’ full-to-bursting city cemeteries began to be emptied in 1786, but, of course, people kept dying. In 1801, the prefect Nicolas Frochot called for the closing of all remaining cemeteries and the creation of new cemeteries outside metropolitan Paris. His plans eventually called for the development of four large cemeteries at the cardinal points of North, South, East and West. The Cemetery of the West was never fully realized and smaller Passy Cemetery (Cimetiere de Passy)filled in that void. The first cemetery to be realized was the Cemetery of the East, which became known as Pere-Lachaise. Pere-Lachaise was named after Pere Francois de la Chaise (16241709), who lived in the Jesuit house on the property. He was the confessor to Louis XIV. Established in 1804 and eventually expanded to 110 acres, Pere-Lachaise is the largest and most visited of the big three cemeteries. The cemetery to the South opened in 1824 and was named Montparnasse for the district it resides in. At forty-seven acres, it is the second largest of the big three. Montparnasse Cemetery (Cimetiere du Montparnasse) is about three miles distant from Pere-Lachaise. While there, consider visiting the Catacombs, which is an easy two-block walk away. The cemetery of the North is named Montmartre for its location in the Montmartre district. At twenty-eight compact acres, it is the perfect cemetery for an easy stroll and has well-known personalities at almost every turn. Montmartre Cemetery (Cimetiere de Montmartre) is about three miles distant from Pere-Lachaise and just slightly over three miles from Montparnasse.

Each cemetery has its own special charm and because of Paris’ easily accessible Metro system, they are all easy to get to. The free maps that can be obtained at the conservation offices at Montmartre and Montparnasse and the fold-out map of Pere-Lachaise in this book will make navigating the cemeteries and finding the last address of favorite Parisians a breeze.

As a market economy developed and as British North Country became increasingly tied to it, the idea of a just price came under challenge. In the 1770s, as the Country crisis led to war, food riots became very common as the military demanded food, and merchants, seeing an opportunity to profit from this, raised their prices. Birmingham Metro Map The underlying purpose of most food riots was to show that the people were unhappy and that local officials needed to intervene. Food riots are interesting in that both sides understood their roles and responsibilities and because the majority of the participants were women, the ones primarily responsible for feeding their families. While women were still relegated to a traditional domestic role, and where the idea of coverture, or the subsuming of a woman’s legal identity in that of her husband’s upon marriage, gave their husbands total power over them, women still developed a way of becoming active and gaining an indirect political voice.

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