C & C Thrift US Map & Phone & Address

C & C Thrift US Map & Phone & Address

118 Blackstone SL, Boston; (617)248-0828

Y’know where the Haymarket is held every weekend? Well, there are some actual stores there too, and this basement shop is open all week. C & C sells leftover packaged foods that are near their Sell by . . dates but are still good if you’re going to use them promptly. This store deals mostly in baked goods, such as Vermont All-Natural Bread at 890 a loaf, reduced from $1.99. You can get two bags of Green-Freedman rolls for a dollar, or boxed apple pies marked down from $2.69 to $1.25. There are also packages of dried pasta, usually $1.50 for a pair of one-pound bags. Lots of cookies, too. Open Mondays to Thursdays from 8 a m. to 5:30 P.M. Fridays and Saturdays until 7.

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