Camel Riding in the Australian Outback

Hey guys I know Steven told you guys that we’ll be waking up at 4 o’clock to go hot air balloon riding, and we were getting ready it was like 4:30 a.m. we’re almost ready, and then we got a call saying that the it was too windy. So we couldn’t go hot-air ballooning. So, I’m really hoping that they can reschedule for another day we’re here. But we’ve still got. So many exciting things to do today.

Camel Riding in the Australian Outback Photo Gallery

So today we’re gonna be riding a camel in the desert of Australia which sounds amazing, and also meant that we’ve got a little bit of a sleeve in. So um it’s currently 10 o’clock, and we are about to go meet everyone down the lobby, and go out for breakfast. So we’re not having much luck with the weather is now starting to rains a probably a good idea that we cancel on the hot-air ballooning if we’ve just come into the town of Alice Springs we’re going to try some good food I am SuperDuper hungry now. Because you know when you wake up early, and go back to sleep your body still thinks it’s like 4:00 a.m. guys we’ve just insert the ultimate breakfast this is so good Oh cheers everyone.

So now we’re having a little wander through the streets of Alice Springs it looks like they have like one major street that’s really long just full of shops, and cue cafes, and stuff I didn’t expect them to have like cool hipster cafes. But they do the food was delicious I think in like an hour laughter we explore we’re actually meeting up with everyone, and going out for another coffee we loved it that much I mean Alice Springs right now out of Melbourne Australia really does love their coffee even in the middle of Norway it looks very small from up yeah. So beautiful that the Sun has come out, and this is the first time we seen the red dirt. Because we’ve kind of been in the town for most of our time I just love how Archie has come with us the entire time where’s my camel troop gone literally jumped of my camel say can I quickly by the drone which by the way incredible join footage if you guys enjoyed that joint footage let me know below, and then five minutes later, I’m in the middle of the outback, and I don’t know where everyone is I’ve just got red dirt, and cows are chase dogs. So let’s let’s get back how beautiful is this red dirt oh my goodness I love the color alrighty it’s been 30 seconds since my last update with you guys.

So, I’m feeling a bit parched still in the middle of the nowhere the no way yeah that’s what, I’m calling you the nowhere where’s Archie should be out here to come save me buddy do you only best Ozzie our back tracker I think yes yes that that looks like camel camel tracks I think I think they’re down that way yeah audio what have I spotted why are you looking at me why found Billabong not all hope is lost what is this a foreign foreign phone device see if listen help hello where are you guys I have walked I think, I’m here this is all root n kilometers see a search party almost home almost home oh my goodness that was so much fun, I’m so glad that the weather cleared up did you have fun yes you guys ever come to Alice Springs you have to come on a camel ride I feel like it is gonna be the top thing to do here, and as you can see from the cheering footage that like our pack that we were walking through was breathtaking even such a highlight of the day this is like our first time seeing like red orange dirt we’ve just arrived at the earth sanctuary for an Outback Ozzie dinner, and we are having the nicest sunset right now. But you see Stephen has been taking a lot of photos he’s loving it, I’ll show you where we’re eating it’s so nice for outside I think we’re gonna be cooking damper, and all the good stuff.

So this place is all about sustainable living, and some of you guys might remember this from when we stayed in glamping Durham’s in Margaret River who remembers these well at this place people actually live in them how awesome is that. So we’re gonna be having dinner here, and look at this view this is amazing a company this is this person’s backyard, I’m very jealous or it might be honor okay Oh got ourselves a bit of a feast it’s turn abroad new shoes, and look at this little outback setting we’ve got for dinner alright we finish dinner alright, and now we’re gonna go find some stars how do we just made some damper this looks really nice looks good like fairy bread actually sounds good just go back to my hotel we had such an amazing dinner at the earth sanctuary, and we had like an hour talk about the Stars, and no one could put lights on. So we could have a look at the night sky there’s no moon out at the moment. So it was amazing we did shoot a time-lapse. But those green lights they’re not aliens they’re not UFOs they’re actually the armed laser we notice that they came up in the post. But oh my gosh that was such an also night, and we made damn high, and stuff like that really fun. But I know we said it last night.

But hopefully we’ll be seeing you at 4 a.m. for a hot air balloon ride we rescheduled it it looks like it’s gonna be way better weather tomorrow. So fingers crossed forget to do that. So hopefully see you guys in like 5 hours. But uh good night guys, and we’ll see you tomorrow gonna say good night.

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