Chinese travel warnings

This park in the south-west of the city covers 200ha/500 acres and is a popular place for a day’s outing.

Three lakes with thirteen islands in all take up about a half ofthe park; they are linked with one another by a network of causeways and bridges. Green lawns surround the lakes. There is a zoo in the south ofthe park.

In Jixian, about 120km/75 miles north of Tianjin, the visitor will find the Temple of Unique Joy, which was built in 984 and probably superseded an earlier building from the Tang period (618-907). It is one of China’s oldest wooden buildings.

The Hall of Guanyin Ge is 23m/75ft high and contains a 15m/50ft tall clay statue of Guanyin. The wall-paintings date from the Ming period (1368-1644).

Mount Panshan near Jixian has been described as “the most beautiful mountain east of Beijing”. Its highest peak is about 1000m/3300ft. Numerous famous people have visited it ever since the 3rd c.

Ofthe many picturesque and historical sites hereabouts, special mention must be made of the Temple of Tiancheng Si on the northern slope of the mountain; it dates from the Tang period (618-907). The original buildings were destroyed during the conflicts ofthe 1940s and rebuilt in 1980.

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