Chongqing Travel

A more efficient way is to hold the sheep upside down Chongqing Travel between your knees so that it cannot wriggle. Their previous machinery was poorly sharpened and clumsy Chongqing Travel to use; it left a lot of wool still on the sheep. The Englishmen were spending three weeks giving instruction with the new stuff, and although they could not speak Tibetan they were adept at sign language. Just as well, because the machine instruction manuals were written in Chinese, which neither the Englishmen nor the Tibetans could read. But the major complication was that only one machine had arrived, the rest were delayed somewhere en route through China, and if they arrived too late the Englishmen would have to leave without installing them. They were frustrated and depressed about it.

The following chapter explores the way that Rogues’ Gallery, and specifically Gasoline Music, construct encounters between the body, motion, speed and the sonic and visual topologies of urban space. Far from revealing driving as a homogenous, banal and featureless activity Rogues’ Gallery highlight the heterogeneity and nuances of urban mobility. The work of Rogues’ Gallery reveals art as a transformative practice that enables a re-imagining of the everyday spaces of the city. Gasoline Music draws attention to the multiple and complex spatial interactions that define urban spaces which are mediated by technologies, such as the car, and are experienced in and through the body.

The City and the Car

The car has been a critical trope of the urban cultural experience throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. A condensation of speed, mobility and technology, the car has been a key mediator in the cultural, material, political and economic landscape of twentieth-and twenty-first-century cities (Urry 2004). The car has featured as both a utopic and dystopic object in discourses of urban space and modernity. As an object of pleasure, of freedom and autonomy, of speed and of technological progress, the car can be located in sweeping visions of the urban environment, such as Le Corbusier’s L’Urbanisme (1924). His aerial highways imagine cities defined by their smooth, speedy mobility and uninterrupted flows. Conversely, the car is simultaneously centralized as a site of environment degradation, of death and accident, of excessive use of manufacturing resources, of the banality and wasted time generated through commuting and urban sprawl.

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