Look at, you bro no guys, you know really one thing’s for ona, it’s him or is it was a setting for Shakespeare’s Romeo. And Juliet that, you see that is we had to welcome a that she was like out there Jimmy there’s a lot of people. And if square to see about me, you gonna do it Shakespeare.

And avoid waste detail just. So keep being person you’re walking it don’t go crap crawl cray-cray what’s great great, it’s like crazy, but better when life gives, you lemons lemons possible oranges oranges well is it dark. And scary place news bring a map or GPS because.

CRUISING THE CANALS Venice Italy Photo Gallery

I can see, you soon love always niggath thank, you welcome to Venice Italy Oh guys. So right now we are doing each city walking to our Venice because well really isn’t any other way to go around Venice there’s no bikes there’s no cars you’re are there walking or you’re taking one of the gondolas or boats via the canal how’s the car supposed to fit doughnuts we’re going to bike 150, this is the public you’re nuts that’s are these guys to watch you. I’ve ever used before most expensive toilet beautiful piece that took a team of very expert lace makers eight months to me SEM ladies working greatness.

And also thanks to million benefactors, but today we can still see something like this the sec this place is exactly the same techniques that brand or yet, but done with a thicker thread if you would details more openwork good evening. And welcome to gondola rides through Venice with medium very peaceful delicious, it’s like, it’s sparkling white wine, it’s very traditional drink. So pretty Ross what do, you think of the gun lo ride.

So far, it’s amazing. I thought. I could not flip the screen out because when.

I for this crowd. I just look at the screen not. I would try my Italian, but, it’s not very that’s all.

I got boy Jordan oh there’s a gondola roadblock up ahead crew. I have no idea with the dog emote. ?

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