Herreruela de Oropesa A Hidden Gem in Toledo, Spain

Map of Herreruela de Oropesa Spain

Map of Herreruela de Oropesa, Spain

Herrezuela de Oropesa is a municipality located in the province of Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain.

The municipality has an area of 108.44 km² and a population of 1,367 inhabitants (INE 2016).

The municipality is located at an altitude of 640 metres above sea level.

The climate is Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild winters.

The main economic activity is agriculture.

The municipality is located about 100 km from Toledo and 150 km from Madrid.

The nearest airport is Madrid-Barajas Airport.

There are several bus companies that operate between Herreruela de Oropesa and other cities in Spain.

The municipality has a primary school and a secondary school.

The most notable people from Herreruela de Oropesa are:

  • Juan Sánchez Cotán (1560-1627), painter
  • Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664), painter
  • Diego Velázquez (1599-1660), painter
Feature Description
Location Herrezuela de Oropesa is located in the province of Toledo, Spain.
Area The municipality covers an area of 66.4 km².
Population The municipality has a population of 1,045 inhabitants (INE 2017).
Economy The main economic activities are agriculture and livestock.

Map of Herreruela de Oropesa Spain

II. Map of Herreruela de Oropesa

Here is a map of Herreruela de Oropesa, Spain: