Holiday in New Hampshire 14

New Hampshire Frescoes by Orozco at Dartmouth College

Mexican muralist Jose Clemente Orozco (1883-1948) lived in New Hampshire from 1932 to 1934, while he had an appointment as visiting lecturer with the Art Department at Dartmouth College. He taught and painted frescoes at the college; in fact, Dartmouth was one of three locations where he painted murals in the United States. He painted Man Released from the Mechanistic to the Creative Life, and the more ambitious Epic of American Civilization, a 24-panel-long mural that was his last and largest in the United States. The murals begin with the initial Aztec migration into the valley of Mexico, continue with the arrival of Cortez, and symmetrically conclude with modern similarities with the initial Aztec presence. These provocative murals

originally stirred controversy at Dartmouth because of their political interpretation, but now they are considered some of the most important murals in the United States.

Holiday in New Hampshire 14 Photo Gallery

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