Kalamata (pop. 50,000) flourishes as a port and beach resort, and also serves as a useful transport hub. Take a bus from Kalamata (lhr. M-Sa 2 per day, ‚2) to Ancient Messini in nearby Mavromati, one of Greece’s most impressive archaeological sites. (Open daily 8am-8pm. Free.) To reach the train station, walk toward the waterfront in Pl. Georgiou, turn right on Frantzi at the far end of the plateia, and walk a few blocks to Sideromikou Stathmou. Trains run to: Athens (6%hr. 3 per day, ‚7) via Tripoli (2V hr. ‚2.80); Corinth (514hr. ‚5.60); and Patras (5V6hr. 3:19pm, ‚5). Buses leave from the station on Artemidos to: Athens (4hr. 12 per day, ‚16); Patras (4hr. 2 per day, ‚15); Sparta (2hr. 2 per day, ‚2.80); and Tripoli (2hr. ‚5.50). Tourist information is available at D.E.T.A.K. Polivou 6, just off Aristomenous near the Old Town.


Hotel Nevada , Santa Rosa 9, off Faron one block up from the water, offers large, wildly decorated rooms with shared baths and kitchen, (-a-27210 82 429. Singles ‚11-14; doubles ‚16-19; triples ‚ 19-24.) Good meals can be found along the waterfront. Before leaving town, sample the famous Kalamata olives and figs. The immense New Market, across the bridge from the bus station, has an assortment of meat, cheese, and fruit shops, and a daily farmer’s market. Postal Code: 24100.

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