LEGAL FUN IN Amsterdam Netherlands

So cool welcome to Amsterdam here the other one good time enjoy the day beautiful FM’s. I’m Jaime honey have talk. I could watch that, you wouldn’t know where.

I was but I did my job. So where we’re going time for a bike ride through Amsterdam yeah know how well could be able to vlog on this bike, it’s really scary it’s.

LEGAL FUN IN Amsterdam Netherlands Photo Gallery

So um interesting, it’s a good word for it your bars are high like our sinks alone my handlebars seems. So low and. So tiny.

I don’t have a belt either Oh God gypped our bikes well. I have a finally distract me every morning we are about 400 litres of me to this time. And then we drop the temperature till 29 degrees otherwise we will have another kind of cheese or not Giselle we have the right Umberto we are in it, this is a new time that makes a big thick impairment then we wait 30 min up.

And we could the milk into pieces which is special nights like this they will rotate through week in opposite direction. And 45 minutes later that’s the result the little part is called away. And the solid are the cards we don’t use a way to make the cheese, but we can use it for cosmetics or many things because she is very healthy, but the taste.

And his name is just awful oh my god little cheese’s change all right. So many tweezers it is amazing so. I mean who the min up means afternoon game please repeat after me holding it up stave that’s a good afternoon Steve.

I like to show, you how to make a clock or start to the ends. I’m a trained by my dad’s training is five years. And now.

I can make a pair of locks in an hour. And a half that’s sexy, you wear them with a finger space at the deck. And yeah that’s because it is really very important actually a lot of people buy them too small.

And they hope they will stretch that’s not going to work, you actually have to wear them with heavy socks to compensate the finger space pointy shoes for the fishermen to stretch the Nets between his shoes. And his hands to fix them wet sand is heavy now. So when the shoe is finished it needs to dry for about five weeks outside under a roof to winterize them after five weeks their waterproof.

And light we have to be send it inside. And outside. And then they’re ready for export hot food bedding machine be delicious for those peanutty beef spicy nugget burgers my goodness with this one, this is really cool.

I love mine again. So go this horses brewery – are, you expecting the ethical rules. So, it’s going to be little bit what wine-tasting only, this is better we’ve got a great Heineken yes you’re really excited to get your first beer today at least.

I really hope, it’s your first beer else, you got a serious problem because we’re going to try to turn, you guys into beer Dacey’s professions. I want, you to know everything about this beer. So put it up in the light again goof clear look at your beer.

And, it’s like the first time, you drank your beer when, you were six years old. I use into the business, you look to be here like wow this amazing look. I described if you tell me what, you see very good oh very good what else, you see yelling did, you say yeah we’re very proud of, you colors sadly.

So, it’s more like, it’s cool the way, you drink it. And, it’s yellow when, you yes. So the foam at the top is very important I’ll show, you what would, you be publishing like the new underneath the foam what’s underneath the coke bottles that’s right get it down up yeah very good of his bubbles levels of cognition on these they want to get out of the bearded okay they feel like a trap they are because this bowl make sure to get out get out.

So they want to get out the default protection things right also the oxygen then up going. So will then oxidized. And will it lacks in size it will not warm up will not lose its Sparkle.

I will not lose fresh face because of the foam head okay. ?

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