Lima Map Tourist Attractions

THIRDLY, Want of Money in a Country discourages Labouring and Lima Map Tourist Attractions Handicrafts Men which are the chief Strength and Support of a People from coming to settle in it Lima Map Tourist Attractions , and induces many that were settled to leave the Country, and seek Entertainment and Employment in other Places, where they can be better paid. For what can be more disheartning to an industrious labouring Man, than this, that after he hath earned his Bread with the Sweat of his Brows, he must spend as much Time, and have near as much Fatigue in getting it, as he had to earn it. And nothing makes more bad Paymasters than a general Scarcity of Money.

And here again is a Third Reason for Land’s bearing a low Price in such a Country, because Land always increases in Value in Proportion with the Increase of the People settling on it, there being so many more Buyers; and its Value will infallibly be diminished, if the Number of its Inhabitants diminish. On the contrary, A Plentiful Currency will encourage great Numbers of Labouring and Handicrafts Men to come and Settle in the Country, by the same Reason that a Want of it will discourage and drive them out. Now the more Inhabitants, the greater Demand for Land as is said above upon which it must necessarily rise in Value, and bear a better Price.

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